OASSP/OMLEA Legislative Goals 2023-24
OASSP/OMLEA Legislative Goals 2023-24
2023-24 OASSP/OMLEA Legislative Goals
OASSP/OMLEA promotes grade-level appropriate student assessments aligned with current research and the Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Support a plan to sustain innovative learning initiatives implemented with recent investments of new money, provided during the pandemic.
Support broadband access for all students.
We support the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s continued funding for the distribution of the ACT or SAT (district choice) to all Oklahoma high school juniors.
We support the use of the ACT or SAT (district choice) as the required assessment for the State of Oklahoma. Additionally, OASSP/OMLEA supports the continued efforts to lower the number of state mandated tests.
OASSP/OMLEA will oppose any efforts to divert public funds to non-public schools. We support long-term funding for competitive teacher salaries, health insurance and retirement benefits that are regionally competitive and empower schools to recruit, hire and retain outstanding teachers.
We seek increased funding for professional learning, which supports ongoing growth opportunities designed to equip teachers and administrators in successfully implementing state mandated initiatives.
We support a fair and equitable funding formula for all full-time virtual students. We
support the distribution of future COVID relief funding through the state aid formula.
OASSP/OMLEA supports the continued development and implementation of accountability measures that are research-based, multi-criteria indicators of student growth.
Support equal accountabilities for all schools receiving public dollars.
Support changing the composition and appointment process to the State Board of Education
OASSP/OMLEA will support legislative changes to assist with solving the current teacher and support staff shortage by removing barriers, protecting benefits, and improving compensation for current, future, and retired education employees.
We support examining teacher and administrative preparation programs to reflect the changing needs of students.
Support the elimination of barriers to address the bus driver shortage.
OASSP/OMLEA will oppose any legislation that would remove educational decisions from locally elected Boards of Education.
We support legislation that will maintain student transfer decisions at the local level.
Oppose the expansion of charter schools without input from local boards of education.
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