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Sponsor & Advertiser Portal


CCOSA's sponsors and partners are vital to the work we do every day for Oklahoma's public school administrators. CCOSA sponsors and partners receive many benefits, found below, based on sponsorship level, but most importantly, are connected with over 3,000 Oklahoma's public school administrators.

This portal allows sponsors and advertisers to submit their necessary materials for advertisements, membership outreach and other promotional opportunities directly to our marketing staff. 


If you are having trouble with this form please contact with questions, comments or concerns. 

First Name
Last Name
If you need CCOSA to update your organization/company logo, please provide below in PDF and JPEG formats. 
Attach up to 2 files with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Business Associate Memberships

Please include information below for the business associate(s) you would like included with your sponsorship. 

Business associates through sponsorships receive discounted professional learning registrations, Daily Education News Clips, a quarterly Better Schools Magazine subscription and Legislative Updates. (Business members are not eligible to vote, hold office, or receive individual active member benefits.) 

Business Associate Membership #1
First Name
Last Name
Business Associate Membership #2
First Name
Last Name
Business Associate Membership #3
First Name
Last Name
Business Associate Membership #4
First Name
Last Name
Better Schools Magazine - Advertisements 


Deadlines for the remainder of the fiscal year are below: 

  • Ad due July 20 for July issue

  • Ad due August 1 for September issue 
  • Ad due January 1 for February issue 
  • Ad due March 1 for April issue 

Ad sizes are below: 

  • Full Page - 8.5" x 11" (Prestigious)
  • Half Page - 7.5" x 5.5" (Gold)
  • Quarter Page - 3.75" x 5.5" (Silver and Bronze)