The Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration is an incorporated, not for profit organization which establishes close and continuous communication and cooperation between educators, taxpayers and legislators to improve the effectiveness of professional school administrators and to communicate the needs of the schools. The Council is the umbrella organization for the following professional associations: the Oklahoma Association of School Administrators (OASA), the Oklahoma Association of Secondary School Principals (OASSP), the Oklahoma Association of Elementary School Principals (OAESP), the Oklahoma Middle Level Education Association (OMLEA), and the Oklahoma Directors of Special Services (ODSS).
Membership continues to grow. The potential is nearly 3,000 administrators. In addition, there are hundreds of professional educators and classified personnel who are eligible to join CCOSA as associate members. Each potential member is of vital importance to CCOSA, both as a voice within the association and as a competent ally in facing the challenges in education.
No other group in education faces the pressures and responsibilities that administrators do; we need the assurance of a strong and viable state organization. Each member deserves the support and assistance necessary to carry on the tasks of education for the ultimate benefit of students in our schools. CCOSA creates a forum for a powerful, collective voice on issues that are critical to Oklahoma schools, educators, and students.
As the state's preeminent membership association for school administrators, CCOSA serves as Oklahoma's most active and trusted voice in education policy, practice and leadership, informing and shaping public policy and public opinion to ensure Oklahomans have the best public school system available.
To promote quality administrative leadership for Oklahoma schools through professional development, legislation, and member services.
2022-2023 Annual Report